Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints
Fine Art Prints

Fine Art Prints


Our assorted archival fine art photographic prints bring the Black Gotham Experience aesthetic into your home. Still lifes and nuanced portraits offer a glimpse into the visual universe that we're creating to celebrate the impact of the African Diaspora on New York City since 1625. 

Catalina and Domingo became landowners in 1643 New Amsterdam.  The archives do not contain their images, so we are using photography of modern-day people in costume to capture forgotten people from the past.

Available in Glossy or Matte 

Limited edition art prints that are signed and numbered are also available for purchase.

Artist: Kamau Ware