FUTURE CODA_practice
Saturday September 14th 2024 | 6PM - 11PM
BGX Gallery | 192 Front Street NY, NY 10038
FUTURE CODA is an experiment in programming. More than a brand or a business offering, we have an energy we recently touched that will be reprised in part with the meeting of two sonic wizards for a special evening.
6pm | lite bites + sorrel
7pm | music + storytelling with Arsalan
8:30pm | DJ set w/ Jamed
Arsalan Ibrahim was born and raised in Oakland, California. In search for the roots of African American life, he was led to Mali where he unexpectedly reconnected with some of his ancestral people, the Songhai and Mande. While there he was initiated as a Jeli of the Mande tradition - an ancient order that acts as the repository of knowledge of the Mande people of West Africa.
Jamed AKA Jahmedicine is a Brooklyn native and keeper of many souls. His sonic alchemy connects people throughout the African Diaspora. He is a spiritualist and MC that bridges where Black people have been and where we are.
FUTURE CODA will be hosted by Kadiatou & Kamau Ware.
The music & storytelling of the Jeli, seamlessly weaves together traditional folk lore, history, spiritual wisdom, and the blues into a unique experience that informs the mind and moves the heart and stirs the soul.
This evening will take place at BGX Gallery of Black Gotham Experience, a 14-year institution that elevates the impact of the African Diaspora on New York City.
*Segments of the experience may be live-streamed to and/or recorded.*